Lilly’s Home Designs


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Hello, great website! I couldn’t consider it when I first came right here as I thought my daughter was the only one wanting a wolf-themed room…:) I have a question for you – do you happen to know wherever to actually discover wallpaper (not borders) with wolf themes. I like your …

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Simple interior design tricks


Many of us live in properties that are smaller than we would like, which is why it is important to know the tricks to make any room look bigger.

From well placed mirrors to darker flooring, there are small updates that can make any room look instantly more spacious.

London-based model-turned-businesswoman Caprice Bourret, founder of interiors brand By Caprice Home, shared her eight top tips exclusively with FEMAIL.

‘Anyone looking to redecorate should follow these simple tricks and think smart about your space to achieve a finished result you can use and actually live in,’ Caprice said.

‘Getting your enjoyment out of a space is important otherwise it totally beats the purpose!’

Caprice suggested Replacing heavy curtains with bright and airy fabric, and paying close attention to how the flooring is laid to create the illusion of space…

1. Hang mirrors near natural light

Catch the light: Placing one large mirror - or several small ones - near a natural light source helps bounce light into the room, making it appear bigger and less cramped

Catch the light: Placing one large

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