Your home probably has a conventional water heater. Most people choose this type, even when replacing an older heater, because this is what they are used to having. However, replacing your traditional water heater with a tankless type has many advantages.

Running Out of Hot Water
Just when you lather up, the water suddenly turns icy cold. This has been experienced by many people, and it can be frustrating, to say the least. No one wants their shower interrupted with such a drastic change in water temperature. Waiting is another drawback of conventional water heaters. Perhaps you cannot take a shower for thirty minutes after another household member showers.
One advantage of a tankless water heater is there is always hot water. You do not have to wait for the dishwasher or washer to finish. Since this type of water heater provides hot water on demand, it is always ready. An example of a company that offers a tankless water heater orange county is ProfPlumb Inc.
A conventional water heater includes a storage tank that keeps the water hot until it is needed. Even if you do not use this water for hours, it is still heated periodically to maintain the temperature you select. This means you are paying for the water to be heated constantly – even when you are not using it. Tankless water heaters do not have to keep the water hot.
If you have a large family, you probably have a big water heater. The space it takes up is another disadvantage. A tankless water heater does not require a lot of space. They can be mounted on the wall, freeing up floor space. This is particularly helpful if you live in a small home or apartment.
Another benefit experienced by users of tankless water heaters is the temperature control. This type of water heater maintains the temperature more accurately while it is being used. You do not have to constantly adjust the hot and cold water. Equipped with a valve that controls water pressure, the tankless heater regulates the flow changes without the fluctuations in temperature seen in conventional water heaters.